Student Guide

The UK promises a rich experience for overseas students with an exceptional higher-education system and hundreds of world-class universities, giving all the more reasons to study in the country. In the following sections, let’s discover more about the facets of studying the UK such as the best cities, courses, student visas, housing, and living costs, the university application process, etc which should give you a comprehensive understanding of studying in the UK and help you make the right decision.

→ As one of the multicultural countries, the United Kingdom is a friendly and warm environment to live in. Wherever you travel while studying in the UK, you will find people, cuisines, and stores from all over the world sharing their traditions.

→ The UK embraces its diversity and cultures, which is what makes it extremely unique.

→ In today's globalized world, the UK's diversity is its greatest asset. You'll have the opportunity to interact with over 200,000 international students from all over the world, giving you all the more reason to study in the UK.



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UK as a Study Destination

Home to more than 5,00,000 international students. Offers some of the most unique degrees such as ethical hacking, surf science and technology, puppetry design, and many more. Leading UK universities offer a wide range of courses, from traditional academic subjects to practical approaches with a vocational bent.

Types Of University

  • → Ancient University
  • → Redbrick or Civic Universities
  • → Plate Glass Universities
  • → Polytechnic Universities
  • → Recently created Universities

→ As an international student in the United Kingdom, you must hold valid health insurance. The National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom is one of the world's best healthcare systems, offering safe healthcare to both residents and international students.

→ International students above the age of 16 wishing to pursue their studies in the UK are eligible to apply for a student visa. To apply for a student visa in the UK, you need a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS).

Popular Cities

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