Student Guide

Creating a student guide for international students is a great way to provide helpful information and support as they navigate a new educational environment.

How do you study abroad, and where do you even start? Well, studying abroad is truly life-changing, and you should do it if you can. But first things first about your path to study overseas– a lot of planning needs to go into a study abroad application. When should you study abroad? Can you afford it? Which country should you even choose, and how do you apply? Read on to learn how to study abroad.


Make a Plan

As a young student moving abroad to study is an experience of a lifetime. It is possibly one of the biggest decisions you will ever have to make, so it is important to devote enough time to doing your research, understanding the pros and cons of every country, as well as the quality of life you can expect from them.

Remember, adaptability is key. Embrace the diversity around you, be proactive in seeking support when needed, and enjoy the unique opportunities that studying abroad can offer. Safe travels and best of luck in your higher education journey!

Having an estimate of the costs involved with sending your children to another country can assist you with settling on the best choice. Nonetheless, it is not simply the education cost alone you ought to be computing in your financial plan, there’re significantly more costs included when you intend to send your kid abroad. Consider different costs, for example, food, accommodation, lifestyle expenses, correspondence and travel also! At Envision our counsellors can help facilitate your budgetary planning for your kid’s stay abroad.



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Financial Aid for International Students

It can vary depending on the country and institution. Here are some general points to consider:

  • → 1. Scholarships: Many universities and organizations offer scholarships specifically for international students. These scholarships can cover tuition fees, living expenses, or both. You can research and apply for these scholarships directly through the university's website or scholarship search platforms.
  • → 2. Grants and Fellowships: Some institutions provide grants and fellowships for international students based on academic excellence, research proposals, or specific fields of study. These awards often cover tuition fees and may include a stipend for living expenses.
  • → 3. Work-Study Programs: Some countries allow international students to work part-time while studying. These work-study programs can provide financial support and valuable work experience. Check the specific regulations of the country where you plan to study.
  • → 4. Government-sponsored Programs: Some governments offer financial aid programs for international students. These programs may cover tuition fees or provide living allowances. Research the government websites of your chosen study destination for more information.
  • → 5. Loans: In some cases, international students may be eligible for student loans. However, it's important to carefully consider the terms and conditions of the loan, including interest rates and repayment options.

Remember to thoroughly research the financial aid options available at your chosen university or college. Contact the institution's financial aid office for specific information and guidance on the application process.